Sunday, November 24, 2013

Making Brownies

Saturday night we were having friends come over for dinner so Hailey and I made brownies. I'm pretty sure helping me cook is her favorite thing to do these days. Anytime I even walk into the kitchen she climbs onto her tower and says, "Help Mommy cook." It is absolutely precious. I love that she loves to help!

Well after we finished mixing the brownies during which I heard "Hailey turn" about a thousand times I decided to let Hailey experience the amazingness that is brownie batter. I'll let you decided for yourself if she liked it...

first taste


Someone got a hold of the bowl while I was putting the brownies in the oven!

I think she's ready for cookie day Mimi!

(And yes that is brownie batter up by her eye. I have no idea how it got there!)

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