Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Adventures with Mimi- Part 1

Last weekend we went to Charlotte to celebrate my dad's birthday and Ryan's mom's birthday. We stayed with Ryan's parents because we hadn't seen them in a while and Hailey was in heaven because she got to see Beau (their dog) everyday for 3 days.
We got there late Wednesday night, so Thursday morning we decided to hit the mall. We had a request to ride the merry-go-round and go to Bass Pro so of course we did.
Hailey decided she was going to get ready like Mommy, putting on my make-up and everything.
We had to stop at the bank on the way and someone got a special treat! (Well, actually two but she only got to eat one.)
At the mall we saw the fish in Bass Pro, looked around the lobby of the aquarium, played in the Disney Store and bookstore, ate lunch and rode the merry-go-round...twice! I only got pictures of the merry-go-round
 Can you tell she was thrilled! After that busy of a morning she was super tired and took a great nap. We went to my parents' house in the afternoon to celebrate my dad's birthday with some swimming and steak...but I was too busy running after Hailey to get any pictures...oh well
More adventures to come!

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