Saturday, June 20, 2015

Reece is 4 months!

I totally agree with everyone who said kids grow up faster with your second's really flying by!
Edited after doctor visit: Reece weighs 14 lbs 15 oz (37%) is 25 inches long (40%) and his head is 41.5 cm in circumference (49%) . All of his percentages are right in the middle which surprises me because everyone always tells me how big he is!
Just to 4 months Hailey weighed 14 lbs. 14 oz!

He is wearing 6 month clothes and a size 2 diaper.
I love that Elvis smile
Reece goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 at night and sleeps until around 3. Then eats and goes back to sleep until around 6. He still gets a 5 oz bottle before bed and for "breakfast" when he wakes up so that we can mix in his reflux medicine. But other than those he nurses during the day. He doesn't have trouble taking a bottle if I need to give him one though.
Unfortunately Reece is on the same kind of "schedule" that Hailey was on as a baby. Sleep for 30 minutes, wake up and nurse then play until it hits the 2 hour mark then sleep for 30 minutes again. I like that he's at least taking somewhat of a nap, but let me tell you, 30 minutes goes by fast! Especially when I'm trying to give Hailey a little one-on-one attention.
He is rolling from back to tummy like a champ. We can't get him to stay on his back at all anymore. He rolls from tummy to back occasionally but not too often.
While we were at the beach he really started holding toys and bringing them to his mouth. He also found his feet and loves his toes! I still think his "lovey" is going to be a burp cloth. I can give him one to calm down and he just cuddles up to it. It's precious.
He still loves to be held. Hailey can get him to laugh the easiest of all of us but he's very generous with his smiles.
He loves to be sung to. His favorites are "the Good Morning Song" (made up by Grams) and "This is the Day (That the Lord Has Made)".
We love you Reece Anthony! (Sorry for the picture overload. I just couldn't pick one ;) )

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