Monday, October 19, 2015

Reece is 8 months old!

Reece is 8 months old and is growing and doing new things every day!
He weighs around 18 pounds and is wearing mostly 9 month clothes. He has some size 3 shoes that we've yet to wear and a size 3 diaper. 
If you can't tell by the big bags under his eyes, sleep is still our main battle. Still takes a 30 minute nap every two hours and goes down around 7 at night. He wakes up once or twice and is usually up for good around 5. Some days daddy can get him back to sleep by cuddling on the couch. I will say we had a good sleep week last week but the last few days have been rough with waking up at 4am! 
This little boy still nurses every 3ish hours during the day and takes a morning and bedtime bottle. He eats three solid meals. He still won't eat fruit unless it's mixed in something else. He will sometimes eat s few bites of banana if I let him hold it. He loves butternut squash, I'd say that's his current favorite. He loves puffs, Cheerios, mum mums, Mac and cheese, black beansand mandarin oranges. Reece is not fond of whole peas. 
He started saying "dada" this month and can do and use the "more" sign. He usses it all day, about everything. More puffs, more tickling, more water, more climbing the stairs. He likes to follow Ryan around in the mornings doing the more sign to ask for food. 
I'm starting to see the little boy come out in Reece more each day.  He likes playing with balls and is beginning to enjoy pushing cars and trucks across the floor. He loves to climb! I have found him in the frige, the dishwasher, on the stairs, on top of us and now standing on things to reach something higher up. He will finally let me read books to him! 
Reece still loves being outside but hates the stroller. Lately he just wants to crawl around and try to eat grass. His new favorite thing is to try and climb the stairs. He can actually get to the top with us standing behind him. 
Hailey can still make him laugh the easiest. His love for daddy grows everyday. Lately he gets so excited when Ryan gets home from work. He crawls over to him and just lays his head on his shoulder. It's precious. 
Life with a little boy is busy! Who knows what's coming next?! We love you Reece Anthony!

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