Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Strawberry Picking

Monday night we went strawberry picking! We had planned to go over the weekend but Hailey had a fever, so that got scraped. We ate dinner as soon as Ryan got home from work and headed out to the strawberry patch, which is like 5 minutes from our house. Side note: we told Hailey we were going to pick strawberries and she asked if we were going to the Enchanted Garden, which is where Daniel Tiger picks strawberries on her favorite show...precious.
She was ready to go! It didn't take any time at all for her to start looking for big red berries. She would crouch down, see a white or green one and say "not ready yet". Then she would get so excited when she saw a red one.

"I found one Mommy"
She really wanted to carry the bucket, but it was a bit too heavy. "Too heavy for me"
She seemed a little confused when I asked her if she wanted to taste one.
Then she couldn't stop eating them. Check out those strawberry stains!
After we filled out bucket, we walked to the back part of the farm where the animals were. We saw chickens and cows and a horse!
They had built a slide with a long pipe and some hay bales. At first Hailey was unsure ("It's dirty Mommy") but once Daddy climbed up with her, she had a blast!

Unfortunately it started raining so we had to take a quick ride on the horsey swing and then call it a night.
But we had a blast!

And just for fun, let's compare last year's strawberry picking and this year's.

Where did my baby go?!

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