Monday, May 4, 2015

Life Lately: The End of April

Life lately is non-stop. Between my little gymnast
and sweet boy
there isn't a lot of down time. But that's ok...we wouldn't trade it for the world. (Well, maybe a nap, but not for the world) And Reece is not a thumb sucker but he happened to get it into his mouth one day and just looked too cute not to get a picture.

I finally caught this little boy's smile on camera and what was he doing? Pulling his sister's pony's hair. Little brother terrorizing his big sister already. Thankfully Hailey didn't seem to mind. She was being so sweet and trying to show Reece her ponies.

We also started the Epley band this month. They will be accepting requests soon.

And why can't you play with your sled at the end of April when it's 75 degrees outside?!

You know we've been doing lots of spring crafts around here! A day doesn't go by that my little artist doesn't ask for a craft. I've actually come up with some cute ones thanks to pinterest...we work together. They give me the idea, and I tweak it to work for us. I saw an idea on there to make a flower out of scrapbook paper but tweaked it to my needs. I simply cut out the pieces of a flower (petals, stem and leaf) and gave them to Hailey to glue into a picture. She did pretty well with it and asked to do it again so the second time I made it a little harder adding grass, clouds and a sun.

I love seeing her creativity!

We took dinner to some friends that had a baby recently and Hailey insisted on taking a picture with them. Ha! Think we do that often?

And I think this technically happened on May 1st but hey, it's my blog...Ryan, Hailey and I were sitting outside on the porch while Reece napped. Ryan had just finished mowing the grass and still had his ear buds attached to his phone. Hailey put them in her ears and called them "ear phones" which actually made me a little sad because she used to say "ear bones". But she asked him what he was listening to so he turned on his baseball podcast for her. She put in one ear phone and gave him the other. She was actually listening and making commentary on what the radio people were saying! It was hilarious! And made a sweet picture of my hubby and big girl.  :)

Now...onto May!

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