Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Reece is 6 months!

Half a year! He's really been here for half a year already?! Reece Anthony is 6 months old!
 We go for our doctor's appointment on Friday but I think he weighs around 17 pounds. Reece is wearing 6 month clothes and a size 3 diaper. He has his two bottom teeth and we're still waiting on those top ones to break through. He's had a temp of 99.4 for almost a week because of those nasty teeth.

***Edited: Reece weighs 16 lbs 10 oz (32%) and is 26.25 inches tall (32%). His head is 43 cm (45%)
Sleep has gotten a little better this month. He usually goes to bed around 7 each night but the last week or so has woken up around 9:00. We burp him for a few minutes (just to make sure he's not gassy) but then put him back in his bed and let him cry/fuss himself to sleep. We have had to start letting him cry some at night or we would be up constantly. He just wants us to hold him at night, and while I love him to pieces, I need sleep too. ;) So after the random 9:00 wake up, Reece usually sleeps until around 12:30 or 1, then eats and sleeps until 4:30ish. This is the part we have to work on now...He just wants to be held at 4:30 so lately Ryan has been taking him downstairs and letting him go back to sleep on the couch with him, but I know we have to break that. It's just so hard when I want to go back to sleep! He still only naps for 30 minutes every 2 hours during the day.
Reece gets a bottle first thing in the morning (for reflux meds), eats a solid breakfast of oatmeal with some fruit mixed in then nurses about every 2 and a half to 3 hours during the day. He gets a 3 oz bottle around 5:30, a baby food dinner around 6 and then another 3 oz bottle at bedtime around 7. We've spread out his "bedtime" bottle to try and alleviate some of the reflux issues that were resulting in lots of gas at night.
Reece still loves his veggies! He has tried sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, and squash and likes them all.  He will still only eat fruit mixed into his oatmeal. We've done bananas, pears and peaches. He still doesn't like apples. He tried puffs for the first time last week and loves them. He doesn't have the concept of picking them up himself yet.

All within about 3 days time this month Reece went from supported sitting to sitting independently, to crawling! And I've caught him pulling up a few times too! He can crawl anywhere he wants to get and I've found him in a few weird places. He likes to be where the action is but is also very curious about everything. If he can get his hands on something he will try and pull up onto it...which earned him his first fat lip yesterday. (He was trying to climb on Ryan's weights in the living room and fell). He only cried for a second though, tough little guy.
Hailey can still make him laugh the easiest and he loves to watch her.
He still hates the car and screams 99% of the time he is in it.
He tried the swing at the park this month and loved it.
We had to lower his crib, and put away the bouncy seat, bumbo and swing this month because he was trying to escape them. Ryan pulled down the walker from the attic but he isn't a fan of being in it because he is confined. His love for the bouncer/jumper has also waned because he doesn't want to be confined.

My little man is quite the explorer! Who knows what he'll get into next month!

We love you Reece Anthony!

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