Tuesday, July 17, 2012

4 months

Hailey turned 4 months old while we were on vacation. She celebrated in both Hilton Head with my family and Holden Beach with Ryan's family. The highlight of turning 4 months old was finally meeting Aunt Kristin! (Ryan's oldest sister who lives in the Dominican Republic.)

Meeting Kristin for the first time!
We went for Hailey's 4 month doctor visit when we returned. She weighed 14 pounds 14 ounces (75%), was 23.7 inches long (25%) and her head was 40 centimeters (24%). She had a great time showing the doctor all of her tricks: rolling from back to tummy, pushing up on her hands from her tummy, blowing raspberries, roaring, smiling at new people, looking at the baby in the mirror, standing while held and holding her head up for long periods of time. The doctor even said she was advanced! It made this mommy proud to hear she was doing so well!

She did have to get 2 shots and an oral vaccine which wasn't fun, but with a little mommy cuddling and some singing of "Jesus Loves Me", all was better.

Hailey got to go in the pool for the first time, and stick her toes in the ocean.

Hailey is beginning to enjoy being read to. Right now, her favorite readers are Daddy and Grams.

Grams reading to Tucker and Hailey at the beach
She started eating rice cereal on vacation and loved it! She got the hang of it right away and thinks it's yummy!
Mimi feeding Hailey her rice cereal
We can't wait to see what next month holds!