Saturday, November 7, 2015


We had a blast dressing up and having fun on Halloween this year. Hailey was super excited about her costume and trick or treating.  
She actually got to wear her costume a few times. They had a costume party at school on Thursday and got to have a pumpkin hunt, decorate a pumpkin and go trick or treating to the other classrooms. So fun!
Here she is all dressed and ready. 
These are a few pics one of the other moms sent me  
(Her and her buddy Carson. She talks about him all.the.time)

On Halloween afternoon we went to a fall festival at our church but first we had to take some pictures of my cuties!

Hailey was SO excited about the fall festival. She remembered it from last year and kept asking if she could ride the ponies and get candy. 
This was the first year she has done the big slide. It is HUGE. I didn't know if she would be able to climb to the top by herself but she did!
She's ready!

After that Hailey did one of the smaller bounce houses and the obstacle course. Then we went inside for games and candy! 

Reece was just interested in Hailey's glittery skirt. Ha!
Then Hailey got her face painted. She wanted it to be a lion 

By that point Reece was pretty much done and we knew we needed to get home and have dinner before trick or treating with our neighborhood friends so we attempted a family picture then left. One again Reece was only interested in the glittery skirt. ;)
We grabbed some dinner on the way home and then got ready for some fun with our neighbors! Here are all the kids as we attempted a group picture. Ha!
So many little ones! One of our friends/neighbors, Sarah, walked with us to carry Reece and he got a good little nap on her! 
Hailey was really into it this year! She loved running up the driveways, ringing the doorbell and saying trick or treat! 

After we had gone to lots of houses our neighbors opened up their garage, set up some music and a popcorn machine! Hailey loved the dancing!
And not to be left out, Reece had a little party with his "friends". These three were all born within three weeks of each other. 
We had a great Halloween spending time with friends! 

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