Friday, November 27, 2015

Hailey sweetness

Here is a catch-up on my big girl:
Before her first school picture day
Turkey outfit for yellow day at school. All we could come up with were yellow turkey feathers :)
Enjoying her Friday breakfast date with Daddy. She asked for a donut with "strawberry frosting and sprinkles" 
Building with our new blocks. She made a bounce house with a swimming pool
She asked to wear a headband to school one day. It made her look so old!
Dressed in her Native American costume from school 

She is such s great big sister. She loves to make Reece laugh. This day she was playing peek-a-boo over the side of her bed. 
She wanted to help me wrap presents this year! She loved helping with the tape  and tags :)
Then it turned into sword fighting with an empty wrapping paper roll :)
I love this sweet, funny, loving girl! I am so thankful for her humor, love, imagination and all that she teaches me everyday. 

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