Thursday, March 3, 2016

An Up and Down Week

This past week,or two, has been filled with ups and downs for us. Unfortunately there's been a lot of sickness but we've had some really fun times with friends too. 
It all started two weeks ago with Hailey getting the stomach bug. Poor girl was just pitiful and wanted to cuddle. She pretty much stayed in her room for two days. 
Ryan came to rescue and took Reece out for most of the day. He even took him to church on his own on Sunday so I could stay with Hailey. (Which is not easy for a pastor to do when they have a million things to do on a Sunday morning) Reece loved the daddy time and that daddy let him do things like this. Ha!
Then we had crazy storms and tornado warnings and the kids and I had to hide out in the closet one afternoon 
We thought the rest of us were fine but Reece and I came down with the stomach bug on Thursday. It was no joke but Ryan to the rescue again! He came home from work to take care of me and Reece and help with Hailey who felt great and has lots of energy to burn. She brought me this tray while I was sick. What a sweet girl. 
We felt good by Saturday and were able to go to our neighbor's first birthday party. 
Unfortunately our friends were in town from Boston last weekend and we didn't get to see them nearly as much as we would have liked. But we made it to church for a bit Sunday morning and I got the sweetest picture of Hailey and Brayden. 
Daddy came down with the stomach bug on Sunday afternoon. 
But by Monday everyone else was good and the weather was beautiful so we got to spend some time at the park! 

Hailey even got to have a tea party with Brayden 
The kids and I got to go to lambs on Tuesday! They looked precious in their bunny shirts 

Daddy had to go out of town for a retreat and the kids and I had a picnic in the floor for dinner one night. They thought it was the best!
But poor Reece is cutting molars and has a cold that has now turned into a double ear infection. He is pitiful and this is the only way he will sleep. 
It's been a tough few weeks with sickness but we've had some bright spots in between. Let's hope the next few weeks are filled with more bright spots than sickness!

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