Thursday, March 24, 2016

Outside Fun

Last week we got to enjoy some more spring weather! 
We had a st. Patrick's Day party with our neighbors for the kids. They had a rainbow lunch, had a blast playing outside and did a rainbow craft. I am so thankful for other stay-at-home moms close by!

We got out the corn meal to play in one afternoon and Reece was in heaven. Give that boy a shovel and he is happy!

We went to lowes one day with Ryan to get some things to finish up a backyard project and of course the kids had a blast running around and getting into everything ;) doesn't everyone let their kids loose in lowes??

The pastors' wives at our church get together each month for a prayer and fellowship time. This month we had one of the wives lead us in making a painting. I was way doubtful that mine would look anything like hers but I was super proud of how it turned out! It is even hanging in our living room for the spring season 
And we had a big treat on Saturday when mimi and poppi came to visit for Hailey's birthday! They took her to Build-A-Bear and then met us for ice cream. 
Hailey was in heaven!
Reece decided he was going to eat the ice cream himself. 

Ahhh! Spring, we're so glad you are here!

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