Friday, March 8, 2013

She's One!

I can't believe my baby is one! This year has gone by so fast! (Well, I guess with a new baby, new job for hubby, new city, new apartment, new church and new house it just might do that. Ha!) Of course you hear everyone say how fast the first year goes by and how much babies change, but it just astounding to witness first-hand. To think that my baby came into the world like this

and is now like this.

Hailey is SO energetic and full of life! She hardly ever stops moving, and now "talking".

Playing in the closet as I was trying to take her picture

We go for her 12 month doctor's appointment next week but I think she weighs around 21 pounds. She is wearing 12 month clothes (although her little chubby legs might need 18 month pants soon) and size 3 diapers. She still sleeps from about 8 pm- 6:30 am and takes 2 (short) naps a day. I think (hope) as I stop nursing that her naps will get a little better because she tends to fall asleep on me quite often.

Hailey is a pretty good eater. She loves fruit, mostly bananas, strawberries, mandarin oranges, pears and peaches. For breakfast she loves waffles, pancakes (only if Daddy makes them) cereal bars, pop tarts, cheerios and some kind of fruit. For lunch she usually loves grilled cheese, hot dogs, chicken nuggets and some veggies, broccoli and peas being her favorites. For dinner we always give her what we eat and she usually eats some of it and then eats some of the above. She has surprised us with some of the stuff she likes...she's eaten the chicken and vegetables from my Chinese food, chicken and cheese quesadilla, taco soup, cheddar broccoli soup and a few other more flavorful things.

She still loves to read books but is also getting more into pretend play. She likes to put things in and out of her play kitchen, carry around her baby dolls and loves to help me with the laundry. She LOVES to play ball with Ryan every night after he gets home from work too. They just throw and bounce her balls in the foyer and she just giggles and laughs. It's SO sweet!

"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands..."
Hailey loves her Daddy. Every morning when she gets up she asks for him, "Dadadadada" and when we go to wake him up she smiles and laughs at him. It's so cute! She is getting better with babysitters and has done ok in the nursery this past week. I think (hope) she realizes that I am coming back now. :)

"If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet..."
 She talks all the time. Distinguishable words are "dada, mama, bear, Bobo, baby, more, football (fuba), juice, Jesus". She likes to copy words that we say now. She usually picks up on the last word of a sentence and tries to repeat it. She understands a lot of what we say too. We can tell her to go find Bear or take something to Daddy and she will do it. It's so neat to see her little mind at work.

Hailey has grown and changed so much this year I can't wait to see what's next!

We love you Hailey!

Let the partying begin!

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