Sunday, April 19, 2015

NC State Farm Days

Every year NC State puts on Farm Days where they have some of the farm animals out for kids to see and pet, tractors for them to climb on and demonstrations about farm life. I've wanted to go ever since we moved to Raleigh but it's never worked out until this year.
Hailey was SO excited to hold a baby chick. It was all she talked about for days...and of course that is the longest line. So as soon as we got there, right when it opened mind you, Reece and I (he was in the Moby wrap) went to stand in line for the baby chicks and Ryan and Hailey looked around at everything else. There was already a really long line because I learned that even though it says they open at 9, if you get there at 8:30 they will let you in. Things I learned for next year...
So while I was standing in line Hailey got to pet a goat and a lamb,

"milk" a cow,
and saw all kinds of other animals like real cows, a horse and foal, turkeys and pigs.

Then for the main attraction...This girl was so excited.
standing in line
 Her day was made!

And Mommy's day was made with the free Howling Cow ice cream! (NC State's own ice cream made from the milk from their cows) SO good
 Hailey got her own chocolate ice cream, but then decided she liked Daddy's strawberry better. I stuck with my chocolate. :)

Hailey got this "pig crown" as she called it from one of the tables there. She wore it the rest of the day. Hilarious.
We had a great time at Farm Days. Can't wait for next year!

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