Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Reece 2 months

I feel like I just wrote Reece's 1 month update and we're already at 2 months. Time is flying by! He actually turned two months old on Sunday but we went to the doctor Monday so I waited for the official stats. ;)

Reece weighs 12 lbs 1 oz (46%), and is 22.5 inches long (28%). His head  circumference is 39 cm. (62%).
He is wearing size 1 diapers, but about to switch to size 2, and 3 month clothes. He nurses about every two to two and a half hours during the day. If he takes a bottle, it's usually about 4 ounces. At night he goes to bed around 8 or 8:30 and generally wakes up at midnight and, if it's a good night, then again at 4:00.
Reece loves to smile at Mommy and Hailey, but doesn't like to smile for the camera. He likes to "talk" to Mommy. Daddy gets his fair share of smiles too but I think Reece is just a ladies man. ;) This Sunday at church he was smiling and talking to all of our friends that were girls too. We haven't heard a giggle quite yet but I'm hoping they aren't far off.
He loves to watch Hailey and is quite entertained by her. He also loves to watch the fan and any light. He loves to just lay on his back and stretch. He is quite content to just lay on a blanket and look around and stretch. He also doesn't hate tummy time, in fact he often falls asleep. :) He has rolled from back to belly twice but they were a few weeks ago so I think they were a fluke. But who knows, he could surprise us and start doing it all the time.

We love you Reece! I can't wait to see what you surprise us with next month!

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