Saturday, September 8, 2012

6 months already!

I can't believe it's been 6 months since Hailey was born! It's so exciting to see her learning and discovering new things everyday.

We have her 6 month doctor's appointment on Wednesday so I don't have the official stats but according to the Epley weighing system, Hailey weighs around 17 pounds. She wears 6 month clothes. She goes to sleep around 8 and wakes up at 6:30 on a good morning. (We had a rough time with sleeping this month.) She still takes a 30 minute nap every two hours. Hailey is cutting her first 2 teeth! One on the top and one on the bottom.

She can sit up alone, and is rolling and scooting across the floor. It won't be long until she is full-on crawling. She has gotten onto all fours a few times, but hasn't made a move from there yet.

She sometimes ends up in the funniest places with all of her rolling and scooting. These pictures all happened with a few minutes of each other. Hailey started under her play gym and ended up laying beside it facing the opposite direction, then within a few minutes had rolled herself up in the blanket that is on the floor for her to play on! She makes me laugh.
She loves to play with this bucket. It is technically a shape sorter toy, but Hailey just likes to dump everything out of it...over and over again. This can occupy her for a good 10 minutes, as long as I keep putting the toys back in it.

She also loves her bouncer. That can buy me a few minutes here or there too. But, I tell you, that girl can find a tag anywhere!

One day I gave her a sippy cup with some water in it so I could make dinner. It was so cute to watch her learn how to use it. She didn't end up drinking much water, but had fun playing!
Hailey still loves bath time! She has learned to splash and can get us quite wet!
When she is upset, nothing calms her as fast as dancing with Daddy. She loves any kind of music.

We love you Hailey Grace!

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