Monday, September 10, 2012

Weekend in Review

Once again, we had quite a busy weekend. On Friday, we had a much-needed family day. We went on a walk in the park, we spent time playing, Ryan made ribs for dinner (yum!) and we just hung out. We all need days like that once in awhile.

It was good that we didn't have much we had to do on Friday, because Saturday and Sunday were packed. Saturday morning our LIFE class (like Sunday School, just a different name) met up at Wal-Mart across the street from the church and passed out free water. We had labels printed with the church information on them and the verse from John about Jesus being the Living Water. It was just a way to love on the community and let people know about our church. It was interesting to see people's reactions when we asked, "Would you like a free water?" Most were skeptical and responded with something like, "Free?! Really?!" We were asked many times why we were out passing out water. It was a good lead-in to share the Gospel. We passed out around 250 bottles of water that day and were able to share the Gospel with around 20 people. Hailey and I didn't get to stay the whole time, but we were able to pass out a few bottles. It was great! Here are a few pictures.

These are just a few of the people that came to help.
Saturday night we got to hang out with Jodi and Chad! Jodi and I have been friends ever since we both worked at HGBC Afterschool, right when Ryan and I started dating, like 9 years ago! We hadn't seen them in a while, so we got together for pizza and dessert. They are expecting so it was neat to see them interact with Hailey and give them some of our parenting experience. (Ha! Like we have any!)

Hailey and Jodi
Sunday we had a full morning at church and then several meeting with the Singles Leaders after. Hailey and I stayed for as much as we could. That evening was more of the same. It's exciting to go to meeting with the Singles Leaders who are so excited about getting others involved in the church!

Unfortunately, Hailey wasn't loving the nursery so much yesterday...I got called in the morning and the evening to come and get her because she was crying so much. I think we have a little of a separation problem; plus she's teething and I think she just wanted some Mommy-love to help her feel better. I hate to see her so upset, but I know it's good for her to socialize with other babies and adults. We'll see how Tuesday goes. I'm starting a Ladies Bible Study at the church for a few hours in the morning. I hope we have better luck with the nursery!

Hailey before church that night. I know her bow is huge, but it's so stinkin' cute!

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