Wednesday, January 9, 2013

10 months

I'm only a day late...

Hailey turned 10 months old yesterday. I can't believe it's only two months until my sweet girl turns 1!

Hailey weighs around 20 pounds and is wearing mostly 12 month clothes. (She can still wear 9 month ones but most of her winter clothes are 12 months so we're going with it.) She is wearing a size 3 shoe and size 3 diapers. She still nurses about 5 times a day, eats 3 solid meals and an afternoon snack. Hailey goes to bed around 8 pm and wakes up anywhere between 6 and 7 in the morning. (unless we're traveling and then she wakes up at 5 am. Not fun.) She has gotten into the habit of taking a good hour to hour and a half morning nap (yay!) and then will take one or two 30 minute naps in the afternoon.

The biggest news this month is that we have a walker! Hailey started taking a few steps here and there a week or so ago and really started walking more and more this past week. She will walk to things and around the room if she's not in a big hurry. If she wants to get somewhere quick, then she'll take off crawling. She's a bit impatient! (just like her Mama, ha!) She's not a full-time walker yet, but it won't be long. She loves to walk behind her push toys too.

I love this picture of her because it shows her doing something she loves...screaming. Hailey has perfected her little high-pitch scream / shriek this month too. It is ear piercing.

Hailey's favorite pass time is still reading. She loves to bring / throw us a book and crawl into our laps to read to her.

We have a little Miss Independent girl on our hands. Hailey loves to feed herself and it is getting harder and harder for us to feed her baby food. So far she loves diced veggies, any kind of cheese, cheerios, puffs, pancakes, monkey bread...pretty much anything we can make small enough for her to pick up and eat.

This month Hailey has also started to play more and more with us. She will roll / throw a ball with us, pretend to feed us her play food or toys, and she LOVES peek-a-boo. She will play peek-a-boo around anything she can: the shower curtain, any door, curtains, blankets, tables, etc.

She can say "mama, dada, Bobo, hi and occasionally bye". She has also perfected waving bye-bye. Sometimes she kind of does the sign for "more". We're working on that one.

With all of the new things this month, I don't know what is in store next! We love you Hailey Grace!

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