Friday, May 31, 2013

Fun with Friends

Before we left to go on the Singles Beach retreat (see two previous posts), we kept our friend Clara for the day. Hailey is only one day older than Clara and it is so interesting to see them interact with each other. Here are a few snapshots from our day.

And they're off!

Hailey giving Clara a kiss while she was trying to eat a snack. I don't think she appreciated it too much. They were hilarious with their snacks. They each had their own snack cup with the same thing in it, but when one of them would put it down to do something else, the other one would pick it up and start eating it.

They each had to have something to push outside, and neither one wanted the toy lawn mower. They started like this, but Clara ended up with the shopping cart. Hailey just wanted to carry her baby.

 This one makes me laugh. Clara figured out how to get into the bathroom and unrolled the toilet paper. Then she tried to roll it back up! Hailey has yet to figure that one out yet.

Hailey taught Clara how to take all of the DVDs off of the shelf. What a good friend...

The girls before naptime. Clara layed in the floor and Hailey decided to lay on top of her and say "night night". They both took good naps that day.

I love seeing Hailey grow and learn to play with her friends. It is so sweet! I'm sure we'll have many more play dates like this in the future.

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