Monday, May 20, 2013

Just So I Don't Forget

I haven't been doing monthly posts since Hailey turned one but there are a few things I don't want to forget.

  • Hailey's climbing- I think that has been fairly well documented... If I leave her little chair in front of the couch and walk out of the room to do anything, she is on the couch in a heartbeat. She has figured out how to step on things to get to whatever is higher now too.
  • Sleeping- We moved to one nap a day around 14 1/2 months. It was a tough transition, and still is some days, but I'm now getting about a 2 hour nap almost everyday. She has been easier to put to sleep at night and is sleeping more soundly through the night too.
  • Talking- The girl talks constantly! Words I hear most often are: Mama, Dada, Bear, Bobo (stuffed dog), "papa" (paci), juice, "milp" (milk), Elmo, "Gogo" (Grover), help, girl, baby, socks, "pea" (please), hi, bye bye, open, pull, hot, cold, bite, more, play, sit. night night and the list goes on. I love that she calls Mack, my nephew, "Map". Any time we are close to the oven she says "hot" and when we open the refrigerator or freezer she says "cold". She will repeat just about anything you say including words like "nasty" "poop" and "hiney".  Lately if you ask her where something is she will say "I no?", shrug her shoulder and put her hand in the air. It is absolutely precious! If you say "I love you", Hailey's response is "night night". When she says her name it sounds like Hannah.
  • Smarty Pants-  Hailey can say all kinds of animal sounds: cat, dog, pig, snake, sheep, owl, lion, bunny (hop hop). She is beginning to name lots of them too. I have a barn game on my phone and she has surprised me with how many animals she can recognize including donkey (for a while she called it "dada") and even goat. She can also show you where her eyes, ears, nose, belly button, mouth, hair, toes, feet and teeth are. She will show you where your tongue is but not her own.
  • Books- still loves reading and has memorized so many books! Before I turn the pages she names something on the next one. For example, we have a book where there is a spider on one page. She pointed it out one day and I said "Spider. That makes mommy say EEEK" and now when we get close to that page she says "eeek". Most times if you ask her to find a certain book she can: Noah, the owl book and Elmo being the most popular.
  • Pictures- Hailey loves to look at photographs and can name a lot of people in them. One day she was looking at a maternity picture of Ryan and I and pointed to Ryan and said "dada". I said "that's right and who is that", pointing to myself. She said "girl". Ha! She's done that a few times since then too.
  • People- Hailey is getting more comfortable around other people, like our friends at church and in the neighborhood. Several times she has walked up to our neighbors (who are pregnant or just had a baby) and hold out her arms to be picked up. She is more comfortable with our friends at church too. She will walk around our Life Class classroom when I bring her up there and talk to people and make animal sounds for them. She likes when Jared plays the guitar for her. She has started to blow kisses at other people too. Daddy gets a little jealous sometimes. Ha!
  • Kids- Hailey is starting to interact more with other kids. When we go on our walks in the park with friends, Hailey and Clara (who is her age) now pass graham crackers back and forth to each other from their strollers. They "talk" to each other too. It is so cute!
I know this might not be interesting or entertaining for anyone but me (and a few family members), but I don't want to forget this age. I'm loving it!

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