Monday, May 20, 2013

Last Week in Pictures

It seems like our weeks have been getting busier and busier and I'm slacking on the blogging. So here is our week in pictures.

On our walk today Hailey wanted to carry her baby doll. And then she started giving her kisses. So sweet!

Helping Mommy sweep the kitchen.

 First taste of a popscicle

Chillin in her car with her sunglasses

First peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She loved it!

My mom sent Hailey a baby bottle for her dolls. Here she is feeding them for the first a box. She played in that thing for hours!

While I was in the shower one day Hailey got into the tissues and decorated our bathroom floor. She was so proud of herself and I couldn't be mad at her. It was too cute, so I took a picture instead!

Playing in her water table. She didn't really care about it. She would rather carry around a bucket of ice and eat it. Seriously. She asks for "ice" every time we go outside.

Visit from Mimi, Poppi and Kristin. These are the only pictures I got... She was quite the little ham during their visit.

I promise, better posts coming soon!

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