Sunday, February 2, 2014

Picture Dump

While none of these pictures demand their own post, they need to be shared nonetheless ;)

Hailey was watching Daniel Tiger (her absolute favorite show on PBS) the other day and they were having a dress up day. I thought it was the perfect day to give Hailey her princess dress. She put it on and immediately said "dance" and started twirling. We have had many twirls in this dress since...

We were putting away some winter decorations under our stairwell last week and Hailey climbed right in there with them when we weren't looking. I called for her and all I heard in response was giggling. I followed the giggles and this is what I saw. She said "Close door." So I did and then I hear, "Where is she?" followed by more giggles. She played in there for a good 20 minutes. We turned on a flashlight so she wasn't in complete darkness. At one point when we checked on her, only to be told "close door" she had the box of Christmas ornaments open!

Accessorizing for the day

Needs no caption except you see her necklace and matching bracelet that she picked out to wear?

During the later part of the week Hailey developed a nasty cold and started running a fever. I took her to the doctor on Friday and she insisted on bringing her own purse and putting a few toys in it. She was SO excited to go to the doctor because she's been watching Daniel Tiger (show on PBS) and the episode where he goes to the doctor over and over and over. Poor thing was so excited on the way there and at the doctor that she fell asleep on the way home.

She was so proud of her Elmo sticker. She was upset when she had to take off her shirt for her bath that night and has asked for it every day since. Don't her little eyes look pitiful?

It turned out that she had fluid in her ears and a nasty cold. They gave her amoxicillin (the bubble gum medicine) and she HATED it, like gagged and threw up everytime she had to take it. I tried everything; getting it reflavored, giving it in yogurt, mixed in with juice. Nothing worked. So back to the doctor we went today (Sunday).

She definitely has fluid in her ears, but they are not infected therefore she doesn't need the antibiotic yet. So we don't have to take it. And as excited as she was to go on Friday, she was not too happy to see the doctor today. There were lots of tears and clinging.
If she's still running a fever on Wednesday then we have to get her ears rechecked. Shew! Sick babies are no fun! We've had lots of cuddle and down time this weekend, unfortunately not much sleeping time :( Hopefully this cold and ear/fever stuff will clear up soon. I'm ready to have my happy little girl back.

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