Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's Christmas-time!

As soon as we ate Thanksgiving dinner Hailey said, "now it's christmastime!" Ha! This girl has been thrilled about Christmas since August. She was SO excited to put up our Christmas tree as soon as we got home from Charlotte. We got home at about 3:30 and the tree was up by 6. This girl just couldn't wait! 
She of course wanted to decorate it herself so she got her stool out of the bathroom and went to work. 
Reece wasn't a fan of the tree at first. He cried as Ryan put it up but then became really interested in the ornaments. 
He was so funny! We have an ornament that is the book "Pat the Bunny", which he loves. But he just could not figure out why he could turn the pages and why it didn't have all of the pages. He got so mad! I had to go fine his book and give it to him. Ha! 
They were both super interested in the nativity scene too. 
And Hailey was so excited we let her put a little tree in her room this year. She uses it as a night light as she falls asleep every night, then Ryan or I unplug it. Be as soon as she wakes up in the morning she turns it back on. 
Hailey undecorates and redecorates both trees almost daily. She is really enjoying the decorations and lights this year. I pray she learns and is just as excited about the TRUE meaning of Christmas too. 

And just for fun...some cuties in Christmas clothes 

1 comment:

  1. I love Christmas with the Epley's! Their outfits are perfect!!
