Sunday, December 20, 2015

Reece is 10 months old!

Only two more months until we're celebrating this little man's first birthday! How can that be?! 
Reece weighs about 19 or 20 lbs. we is wearing 12 month clothes, size 4 diaper and a size 3 shoe. He has 4 teeth and one more trying to come in. 
He is still a terrible sleeper although we did have almost a week where he slept from 7:30-5. Unfortunately he is now back to waking up once a night. Reece still takes a 30 minutes nap every two or three hours. One bit of progress us that he is putting himself to sleep for those...
Reece is completely on table foods now, no more baby food for him! His favorites are mixed veggies, butternut squash and cheese. He also likes Mac and cheese, grilled cheese, bagels, waffles, cereal bars and as of last night tiny bites of pizza. Ha! He still isn't a fan of fruit although I can get him to eat mandarin oranges. He does great with a sippy cup. Reece still gets s bottle in the morning and at night, although we just stopped his reflux medicine. Yay! He nurses every three hours during the day. 
This boy is a climber! And *almost* walking. He is so close! He will now cruise from furniture to wall to walker/toy. He just won't let go yet! 
Reece loves to push his cars and trucks all around the house and it makes me smile everytime. He also learned how to throw a ball this month and can entertain himself quite nicely just throwing and chasing his ball when mommy is busy. 
He is mischievous and always into something 
He still loves his daddy best, unless he doesn't feel well. He watches Hailey like a hawk and wants to play with her constantly. 
He loves to play with our instruments. The maracas are his favorite. He loves to crawl around holding onto the maraca and just stop every so often and shake it and just smile. 
He has quite the temper when he doesn't get his way and can pout with the best of them. 
He melts my heart daily and I can't imagine life without him. We love you Reece Anthony!

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