Monday, June 17, 2013

Shopping with Hailey

So Friday we went shopping to find Ryan a new pair of jeans. Entertaining Hailey while he tried on pair after pair was, well interesting. Here is our trip in pictures.

Distraction technique #1: eat a snack

Distraction technique #2: play with Ariel

Distraction technique #3: stroll around the store and touch all of the clothes. I was desperate!

Finally Daddy picked out his jeans and then he got dippin dots ice cream. Hailey wasn't a big fan which is weird because she LOVES ice cream. I don't think she liked how it stuck to her tongue.

Then we went to get Hailey's foot measured again (now it's a 4 1/2 or 5 wide). She loved getting out of the stroller and running around the store. It was so funny to watch her.

Why are all of these shoes up on a shelf so nice and neat? They really should be on the floor.

Ahhhh. Much better. Now I can see them all.

I decided I want them all!

After the mall we went to Lowe's and let her run around for a while. It was a fun day with Daddy!

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