Friday, August 30, 2013


We've had a busy Friday! Fridays are always fun because Ryan is home from work but this one was nice because last weekend we were on the retreat so we really got a chance to relax this week.

Hailey has been loving cooking in her kitchen lately. But I've noticed she only "cooks" food in the microwave. She doesn't really use the oven or stove. It makes me laugh. And wonder if I use the microwave a little too often, although it's usually to heat up frozen veggies...

Isn't that ponytail precious?!

This afternoon Ryan took Hailey on a Daddy-daughter date. They went to a friend's farm to see the goats and chickens. Hailey was so excited! Too bad Ryan didn't take any pictures. :( But he said she had a blast and she talked about it a lot after they got home.

As I was cooking dinner, I looked at the refrigerator and see this...

Hailey had opened the drawer and was picking grapes off of the bunch and eating them! Silly, hungry girl! So I decided we were going to forgo the normal dinner-at-the-table thing and have a picnic in the living room. Here's how it went:

pretty good at first
very interested in Barney
someone decided to dance instead of eat
notice the blurry feet in the top corner...
dinner is officially over when you start sliding
Oh well. It was a memory. I'm sure it was just the first of many picnics.

Our night ended by Skyping with Mimi and Poppi. (And just a side-story: The other morning Hailey was sitting on our bed playing Elmo on the iPad. Ryan and I were getting ready in the bathroom. All of a sudden we hear the Skype calling sound. Ryan looks at Hailey and says "What are you doing? Who are you calling?" Without missing a beat she says, "Mimi". Sweet girl knew what she wanted. Although she was really calling our friends in the Middle East...)
Anyways, skyping with Mimi before bed turned into playing Ring-Around-the-Rosie with Mimi.

Poor Mimi.

Fridays are so much fun!

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