Saturday, August 3, 2013

This Week

The week after coming home from vacation is always a bummer, isn't it? While it was great to come home and be in our own beds (Hailey has slept GREAT since we've been home, opposite of on vacation) and have familiar things around, it is always kind of a let down because that means things are back to normal. Well, our week has still been busy and fun!

Here are some pictures of my cranky girl on Sunday. She was in a great mood until I got her dressed for church and wanted to take her picture. Stinker. But seriously, these pictures make me laugh. Especially the one on the top right. :)

On Monday my mom, grandmother, aunt and cousin came to visit. They were visiting Charlotte for a few days and drove to Raleigh for a few hours. Hailey got to play with Cailin again, which she loved.

While we were waiting on them to get here Hailey decided some of her toys needed a nap in the cradle.

Not quite, silly girl
Hailey and Cailin
 Before they left to go back to Charlotte, we ran to the Patsy Aiken tent sale here in Raleigh. It just so happened that it was Hailey's nap time and she fell asleep in the car. Granny was a good sport and sat in the car with her so that I could look around. Thanks Granny!

I hate that I didn't get a better picture of Hailey with Granny!

Tuesday we headed to the park for the morning. Hailey insisted on bringing her baby doll with us.

She had a blast swinging with her, taking her down the slide and just playing with her. We stayed at the park pretty much all morning and Hailey took an awesome nap that afternoon!

This week we also started keeping a neighbor's baby so that she could go back to work. It is such an answer to prayer that I can make a little extra money for us while continuing to stay home with Hailey! God provides! We just had a few "adjustment" days this week (more for Hailey than anyone else). We took Abbie on a walk one of the days and Hailey insisted on helping to push the stroller.

Friday we went back to Marbles Kids Museum. We went there a few months ago and Hailey loved it! This time she wasn't as interested in all of the animals in the pretend vet's office. She loved the farm section and playing with the baby dolls in the nursery section.

She sat on this horse and said "trotty" which means to sing the "Ride a little horsey, Go to town..." song. She even fell off at the correct time about 5 times in a row. She just laughed so hard!

We grilled out for dinner that night and Hailey had a blast playing outside while Ryan grilled. She originally had clothes on but started playing in her water table which had rain water in it. I couldn't resist a picture of her little cute diapered self.

She also got to try an ice cream sandwich after dinner. She was a fan!

We had a great first week back from vacation! No slowing down for us!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! You like Patsy Aiken too?!?! Haha! It is my FAVORITE! I already have William's next summer wardrobe, ha! Just waiting to be monogrammed!!
