Wednesday, October 16, 2013

She keeps me laughing

It may only be Wednesday but this little girl has kept me laughing this week.

Hailey insisted that George watch us eat lunch.

We were playing in Hailey's room and she found some boots in her closet. She wanted to put them on, so I did and she immediately stood up and said "How cute! Cheese!"

She put this baby teether on her head and said "How cute!" (I guess I say that too much...)

Looking for "Jumpy Squirrel" out the window. (Jumpy Squirrel is the squirrel on Curious George.)

Hailey was playing with her bows and found this "tickle" bow. She then tickled me, herself and Abbie with it and then took out the bow that was in her hair and wanted these in.

I'm telling you, her little mind is incredible! She makes me laugh constantly!

1 comment:

  1. She REALLY looks like you in that last picture!!! Too cute!
